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Local governments have worked hard over the years to protect and restore our water resources through planning efforts within each county. In recent years, the Minnesota Board of Soil and Water Resources encouraged local governments to partner with neighboring counties to work across jurisdictional boundaries and plan resources on a watershed wide scale. This process is called One Watershed One Plan (1W1P).
The Nemadji 1W1P partners include Carlton County, Pine County, Carlton SWCD and Pine SWCD. The effort will be lead by a Steering Team made up of staff from these offices. Our Policy Committee, made of elected officials from both County's Boards and SWCD Supervisors, will approve the content of the plan, serve as a liaison to their representative boards and act of behalf of their board.
Watch this video to get a short summary of what's in the plan!
A formal review for the plan was held from August 6th, 2020 through October 5th 2020. A public hearing was held October 21st, 2020. No comments were submitted at the hearing. A copy of all written comments and the final plan can be viewed at the link below. The plan was approved at the December 2020 BWSR Board Meeting.
This page has links to the Nemadji Watershed Restoration and Protection Strategy, Total Maximum Daily Load, Stressor ID and Deer Creek Sub watershed Total Maximum Daily Load. These documents will be referenced in the Nemadji 1W1P process. In addition, there is a links to the paleolimnological study of Net Lake and Lac La Belle.
This plan, developed in 1998, was part of a multi-agency effort. The goal was to recommend remedial actions and treatments that, when implemented, would restore beneficial uses in the Nemadji River Basin.
This report describes the physical characteristics of the Nemadji Watershed.
This plan involves the coordination of forest resources management across all land ownerships in the North East region, including the Nemadji Watershed. With forestry being a major resource in the Nemadji Watershed, this plan will be a reference.
Previous local water planning efforts were focused on county boundaries. For Carlton County, this plan was amended in 2014.